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Is age a significant factor when purchasing commercial real estate?

Article at a Glance:

  • How age differences affect decision-making in the commercial real estate market in Australia.
  • Why property owners should be aware of different age preferences in commercial real estate

When it comes to investing in commercial real estate, investors have to consider various factors. One factor that deserves attention is age. In the Australian market, age can significantly influence the decision-making process related to commercial real estate transactions. This article delves into the influence of age on purchasing commercial real estate in Australia, considering generational preferences, financial considerations, and long-term planning.

Generational Preferences

Different age groups have distinct preferences and needs when it comes to commercial real estate. Baby boomers, for example, may be more inclined towards traditional brick-and-mortar businesses, such as retail stores or office spaces. On the other hand, millennials and Gen Z might show a greater affiliation in innovative sectors like co-working spaces or tech-focused properties. Understanding these generational preferences is crucial for both buyers and sellers in the commercial real estate market.

Financial Considerations

Age is often associated with financial stability and investment capacity. Younger investors may have fewer financial resources available, limiting their ability to invest in large commercial real estate. As youngsters progress through their careers and accumulate wealth, their financial standing typically improves, enabling them to engage in more substantial investments. On the other hand, older investors, like those nearing retirement, might have different financial goals and risk tolerance, which influences their commercial real estate decisions.

Long-Term Planning

Age plays a significant role in long-term planning when it comes to commercial real estate. Younger investors have the advantage of time, allowing them to be patient with their investments. Youngsters are more likely to invest in higher-risk ventures with a potential long-term appreciation. They may be more willing to invest in up-and-coming sectors or properties that require significant redevelopment. Older investors, on the other hand, may prioritise stable income streams and prefer well-established properties that generate immediate cash flow with lower risk.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Another aspect affected by age is the ability to adapt to changing market trends. Younger investors often have a better grasp of technologies and consumer behaviours, making them more open to innovative commercial real estate opportunities. They are more willing to invest in properties that cater to new industries or incorporate sustainable features. Older investors, although experienced, may be more cautious about adopting newer concepts and prefer proven strategies.


While age is not the sole determining factor in commercial real estate transactions, it certainly influences decision-making within the Australian commercial real estate market. Understanding generational preferences, financial considerations, long-term planning, and adaptability can help buyers and sellers navigate this dynamic sector effectively. By recognising the varying needs and perspectives of different age groups, stakeholders can make more informed decisions and capitalise on the opportunities available in commercial real estate in Melbourne and other strong markets in Australia.