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Online web services provide APIs

The majority of major commercial service providers offer API trading solutions, however, the features of the offer and the amount of support vary among web services. Here are some examples:

AvaTrade is a broker regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland to provide forex, CFD and other financial instruments and related services. They provide APIs that allow traders to link their custom trading solutions to avatars servers for secure and instant trade processing using real-time transparent pricing data. The AvaTrade API allows customers to access historical market data. API libraries are provided as .NET or Java files, so you need to understand any of the programming languages ​​to set them up; No technical support was provided. There is no charge to use Avatrader APIs, however, the client must set up an account and maintain a minimum balance of £ 1000. APIs can also be used to connect automated trading solutions with the AvaTrade platform. These can be tested on the demo platform using direct market information.

The IG Group is one of the largest in the world, recognized and regulated by Revenue, Retail CFT Providers and Financial Conduct Authority. In addition to providing their own forex live data api and trading applications, they also offer automated trading solutions via their APIs. APIs provide access to historical and direct market data and prices and can be used to enable businesses to use IG’s pricing and operational technology. The IG API enables users to receive real-time trading notifications and account status notifications, and access risk management tools, watch lists, and other functions.

Its API is designed for a wide variety of companies, such as forex web service API, financial institutions, freelancers and application developers. IG offers a REST (Representative State Transfer) API – a standard way to access resources on the Internet. The forex web service API comes with technical support, including online documentation and developer tools, which help those in need. Supported programming languages ​​include Excel (VBA), Java and .NET. For enterprise clients with a professional programming resource, the FIX API allows OTC trading via a direct price feed, direct trading in global stock exchange order books, and more.

The forex web service API is mainly utilized by enormous number of large corporations, developers and SMBs regularly in an effective manner. The extraordinary data sources and the ultimate experience are making the online webs service as the best resource for the real time exchange rates. The currency data which are delivered by this web service is mainly sourced from the banks and the financial data providers that mainly include the European Central Bank. Your major connection to the forex web service API is mainly encrypted via making use of the bank-grade 256-bit SSL Encryption. Hence make use of it.